Geophysical Exploration
Exploration geophysics is an applied branch of geophysics and economic geology, which uses physical methods, such as seismic, gravitational, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic at the surface of the Earth to measure the physical properties of the subsurface, along with the anomalies in those properties. It is most often used to detect or infer the presence and position of economically useful geological deposits, such as ore minerals; fossil fuels and other hydrocarbons; geothermal reservoirs; and groundwater reservoirs.ElViS VII | Surface Vibrator Source
TRT-V8000 True Reflection Tomography System for 3D tunnel geological prediction
McSEIS-AT (3ch)
High Resolution Versatile Seismic Recording system
Networked Seismic Recording System
Autonomous Operation - Deploy a Seismograph anywhere at any time
The Robust & Versatile Nodal Seismograph
Advanced Seismic Acquisition System
The Robust & Versatile Nodal Seismograph
The Robust & Versatile Nodal Seismograph
Dynamite Source Controller
Geophone Testing – Hydrophone Testing – Vibrator Testing Versatile Quality Control System - Three Test Units in One!
Weight Drop Controller
Remote Trigger Module 3
Universal Encode 3
LS-24 | Landstreamer
GEA24 seismograph
Force 3 Vibroseis Controller
Handy Seis PS-1 NEO
Geogiga Seismic Pro
Processing and interpretation software for seismic and GPR data
IPG800 Impulse Generator IPG800
Impulse Generator IPG5000/800
BIS-SV | S-Wave Source
BIS-SH-DS | S-Wave Source
BGK5 Borehole Geophone
Borehole Geophone
Dual Downhole System Data Sheet
MBAS-A Analog Multistation Borehole Acquisition System
Digital Multistation Borehole Acquisition System
P-Wave Source SBS 42
BGK1000 Borehole Geophone
Hydrophone String BHC5
CHT30 Geotomographie
GMSplus - GMSplus6
scai - GMS series
nair - GMS series
fora - CR series
albris - GMS series Digital Accelerograph
AC-7x Accelerometer
AC-73-DH Force Balance Accelerometer
AC-23 Accelerometer
MEMS Accelerometer AC-43 / AC-42 / AC-41
Short Period Seismometer VE-53
arolla - VE series - Broadband Seismometer
STS seismic switch / trip system
ETH-T1L Long Distance Ethernet Module
ela - GMS series
GeoSMART SHM Software
Digital Sensor System GMSplusD
SIR30 GPR Controller
SIR4000 GPR Controller
200 HS Antenna
UtilityScan Pro
UtilityScan DF
BA-100 / BA-500 / BA-1000 Geoscanners
RTS-1600 fully integrated Ground Penetrating Radar
Geoscanners AB SPG-1700
SPG-1800 drone
Processing and interpretation software for seismic and GPR data